
Showing posts from April, 2020

Nasdaq Analysis (24, April, 2020)

Nasdaq-100 (Analysis 24, April, 2020)   It has been a while since my last analysis of Nasdaq-100, i think that now is the time to give an update on what happened and what could come next because we are at a very important point of evolution of the recent events. Nasdaq-100, medium term view In my previous analysis I noted that the Nasdaq was ready for a meaningful pool back or correction (link: SP500 and Nasdaq100 (19.01.2020)) At the time the news of the Corona Virus from China was unclear and no one could have suspected that it would turn in a global pandemic phenomenon just a couple of months later. We had a very sharp collapse of the Nasdaq, with a record value on the volatility index (VIX) of about 86, and a very high value on the VVIX of nearly 210. Figure 1 shows the Nasdaq-100 on the weekly chart. Figure 1: Nasdaq weekly chart (from eToro) We can observe that the RSI value moved extremely quickly from a situation of over-bought (the highest in over a

Gold analysis (5, April 2020)

Technical Analysis   I think that this is a good time to share with my readers and copiers my view on how the gold market evolved in recent time and related assets. Almost 4 months has past since my last Gold update, after the latest market development it's time to update our view. If you are interested to check out my previous analysis, here it is: Gold Analysis 29.12.2019. Gold Spot Price Analysis The evolution of the Gold Spot prices gives a very good indication of what has happened in recent time in the market and it can also give clear indications on when one market phase is ending and a new phase is starting. Long Term view On Figure 1 we take a long term view point, with the weekly chart of the Gold Spot prices taken from the eToro trading platform chart-system. Figure 1: Weekly Chart Gold Spot In a long term view we can observe that the Gold fell from the heights of the post-crisis period of 2011 (around 1900$) to a bottom around the end of 2016

Monthly Review (March.2020)

Toughest Month Ever traded Dear Copiers and Followers, The last month has been devastating for our lives as well as for our Portfolios. The double punch that the markets received from a sudden freeze of the global economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the price war Russia-Saudi Arabia , plunged the market prices into the fastest collapse of this century and the highest spike ever recorded of the VIX which skyrocketed above the level of 85! When something like this happens, trading becomes nearly impossible and the typical hedges such as Gold (i prefer Gold Miners because are more volatile), Bonds and other strategy not only become, temporarily useless, but they actually become like a double edge sword that can damage even more greatly the portfolio than simply owning stocks. Figure 1: Portfolio composition 31.03.2020 I expect that the worse for the portfolio has passed, I took actions to further reduce our exposure to stocks which are now about 25% the lowest